Weight inclusive Medical Nutrition Therapy.

Body Image Work.

Eating disorder and disordered eating recovery.

Healing your relationship with food.

Navigating our relationship with food can be hard.

Especially with many conflicting messages we receive about how food and lifestyle effects our health. Often times health is discussed in the terms of solely physical health. As human beings, there are many aspects to health including our physical, mental, social, and spiritual health. When one aspect is getting more attention than the other, we can feel a little out of balance or lost. Practicing from weight inclusive and Intuitive Eating frameworks, our nutrition counseling sessions will integrate space to explore your unique health history, food preferences, cultural and social considerations, as well as nutrition goals to empower you to make informed and intuitive choices on how you choose to nourish your body and life.

Let’s Chat!

Schedule a free discovery call below to get started.